Tobago’s Main Ridge Forest Reserve

Tobago’s Main Ridge Forest Reserve


Tobago’s Main Ridge is the oldest legally protected forest reserve in the Western Hemisphere; it was established on April 13th, 1776.  It is situated on a large portion of Tobago’s surface area, on the north-eastern side of the island. It was conserved to protect the water supply on the island, it is interesting to note that all the water supplies on the island are derived from the rain forest.

The Rain Forest is one of Tobago’s wonders. It has many trails that provide various forms of recreation which would appeal to different tastes. So, for those who are so disposed, there are trails for the avid hunter, the dedicated bird watcher, or, if you prefer the excitement of mountain biking. And then there are those who simply want to go hiking. It also has non-strenuous trails for those who just want to take a cool walk through the rain forest.

It is home to many different kinds of flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to Tobago. For example, the White-tailed Sabrewing Hummingbird is rare, and the Ocellated gecko, is only found in Tobago. A new species of snake was discovered, called the Tobago Stream Snake.

One of the first things you notice when entering the rain forest is how cool the atmosphere is. It is peaceful, with walls of green trees which foliage form a canopy overhead, and you are surrounded by the sounds of nature. You walk as quietly as you can just so as not to disturb the peace around you. With the main ridge being the main source of water supply on the island, it is not a surprise to find many waterfalls in the reserve, where the water seems to tumble down a background of gold.

Visiting and experiencing the main ridge reserve can be an activity for families, groups or individuals, it is a frequent haunt for our foreign visitors and lovers of eco-tourism. It is definitely a relaxing and educational experience, and I am sure you will not complete this tour without learning something new from the knowledgeable tour guides who are very passionate about their work. One often feels re-energized and revived after visiting the rain forest.


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